Native Foresters was commissioned by QPWS to conduct preliminary assessments of the fauna and flora species occurring within the footprint of proposed bridge upgrade works at Jimna-Bellthorpe Road and Bundaroo Creek bridge, with a particular focus on EVNT listed species.
These projects involved:
- Identification of fauna and flora in the footprint of proposed works.
- Identification of hollow-bearing habitat trees with diameter at breast height over 300mm.
- Assessment of the vegetation communities present on site.
- Identification of EVNT listed flora species occurring on the site or within the sites 100 metre buffer zone.
- Identification of key fauna and flora species interactions including Bell Miner Associated Dieback.
- Water quality monitoring before and after construction.
Upon finding a Southern Myotis bat colony in the bridge at Bundaroo Creek, Native Foresters provided for ongoing species management, impact mitigation, and relocation of the colony prior to works.