Native Foresters in collaboration with GRC Officers developed a Planting Plan for the Rainbow Beach Sewage Treatment Plan.
The site’s topography was retained and the site was de-watered with the outlet pipe lowered in order to increase the potential planting area onsite. This resulted in a planting area of approximately 7,200m2 with planting rows following the contours of the site.
An analysis of the site determined that the adjacent remnant vegetation was Regional Ecosystem 12.2.7: Melaleuca quinquenervia open forest on sand plains. Based on the composition of this RE type, 1,500 Paperbark tea trees (Melalueca quinquernervia), Queensland Blue Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and Swamp banksia (Banksia robur) were used in the planting.
All existing native vegetation on the site was retained and incorporated into the revegetation works.